rooster and table

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

R little Big "D"

This IS my FAVORITE photo of Dillon, if you look closely you will see dirt and sweat, he works so hard and always has, this was and IS a very typical day for him...he is all boy (well young man NOW!!) apart of me misses those younger years...Dillon loves working with his hands.  He now works on a farm with horses, & cows.  He has learned how to slauder cattle to process meat, from pigs, & cows...he has learned so much about that process, thanks Les Young!!
Here he is NOW,  just about to turn 18 year old, WOW and "They" say "where has all the time gone" good question!!

OUR new little family members

Meet our new family members, we now have 6 baby chicks

These are NOT their eggs they are too young, however this is our goal to have FRESH FARM eggs!!
Love Lucy Mae's NEW life she is so happy!!!! I am blessed and honored that GOD has allowed us the privelege to teach her life and to be apart of our family...she is just simply JOY to be around, she adores life, EVERYDAY!!

Lily Mae is so gentle with her baby chicks she enjoys holding them throughout the day, and every night she has always asked me to give her something to dream about, and since the baby chicks came home that is what she wants to dream about each and every night, her new baby chicks.  Lily Mae is so full of compassion.

Sausage, cabbage, potatoes, and carrots makes a wonderful soup

This will be the final part, everything has been added
 (garlic is in the bottom right hand side, 1 tbl spoon)
I also have carrots in there but did not take a picture of them, bring to a boil and boil for like an hour:  ENJOY

use white potoes (or any really) cut into bite size pieces add to broth.
Use your choice of sausage, cut into bite size pieces...saute in a skillet with seasonings, showed below.
I was out of basil :(  The jar in the back is my garlic I buy in bulk and process in my Cuisinart,
 then put into ball jars and refrigerate
Cabbage is so delish cut up into bite size pieces

Everyday living with the Danglers

Everyday living with the Danglers
Creating Lifelong Memories